Monday, August 26, 2013

Teaching Children Grammar

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Today, I am sharing some wonderful ways to teach your children grammar! 

There has been some discussion recently about how to teach a young child grammar and if it makes sense to do so. As usual, there are different schools of thought, buy I know that my children enjoy it.  My 6 year old loves to diagram sentences.  We are currently using First Language Lessons Book 4 and she  clearly states that this is her favorite subject.  Sadly, this is the last book in the series.  We started using this series when she was about 4 years old and we have enjoyed it a lot.  First Language Lessons for the Well-Trained Mind: Level 1 (Second Edition) (First Language Lessons) It is very easy to use and teaches the parts of speech among other things. The lessons are completely scripted, so all you have to do is read the lesson to your child.  It makes no difference if you remember grammar at all.  It doesn't get much easier than that.

A game that all of my children have enjoyed is Madlibs.  If you are not familiar with Madlibs let me tell you what they are.  They are stories in which some of the words are left out. These words can be nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs.  The child is asked to provide words for the parts of speech that are missing.  This generally results in a silly or absurd story, which they just delight in hearing, and leaves them begging to do another page.  Everyone likes to learn when learning is this much fun.  Check out some of the Madlibs at Amazon. Super Silly Mad Libs Junior.

My last recommendation for teaching grammar to young children would be to read to them 
Parts-of-Speech Tales: A Motivating Collection of Super-Funny Storybooks That Teach the Eight Parts of Speech or the delightful Grammar-Land (Yesterday's Classics).  I would start with Grammar Land before the Parts-of-Speech Tales.  I have used all of these products and I really like them all.  I am definitely partial to storybooks and Grammar Land is written is such a lovely way.  It would certainly be at the top of my list because reading together is such a wonderful experience between parent and child.  Once my child had an understanding of the parts of speech I would play Madlibs and have fun with that.

I hope you realize that it is really easy to teach your child all about grammar and have fun while doing so, and no experience is required.  If you have some resources to recommend, please comment below.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your timely advice. I love hearing about what you are doing with your children.
    I'm leaning towards "Cozy Grammar", which is kinda pricey but it has great reviews and the sample videos look great. I also have and plan on using "English for the Thoughtful Child". But nothing is in stone yet. I have only done the very basic EL stuff, this year we're branching out. I am very impressed that your 6-year-old is finishing up the FLL series. :)
